Monday, July 19, 2010

4th of July

This year we celebrated the 4th of July at home in our pool, and then an afternoon party over at the Hartsfields. It was fun for all ages, and Kate, Dylan & Maris really enjoyed their flag parades, playing in the baby pool (even with their clothes on) & playing in the play house together. It was a great 4th!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pool Time Larger

This one is too cute not to have on the larger photo side...
4th of July Photos coming next!

June 19th Weekend

We had the best time. It's pretty cool to get together with your best friends from college & get to enjoy their children for an entire weekend. Ages almost 5 down to 6 months, we had 5 of the little ones playing together for the weekend and here is a look at some of the adorable children together!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Smith Mountain Lake with the Hartsfields

We were fortunate enough to get a full weekend at the Lake with my parents, "Mimi & Grand Dad (aka "GaGa"), and Chrissy, Drew & Dylan Hartsfield. Dylan is pretty much Kate's idol right now. Dylan is 7 months older, just enough to teach Kate new songs, new dance moves and keep Kate's attention 100%. They had a blast together! There are several pictures to share showing you the singing & playing they did together!
The Parlee's even made a stop by the dock, and we got to see their precious boys and new 5 month old baby Anna Michael!

Memorial Day Weekend at Kure Beach

We had an excellent time with the Kendziora family, and Kate really enjoyed playing in the sand with her cousins! A bucket, shovel, sand & water provides hours of entertainment. Who would have guessed it's so simple?