It is times like these that make us realize the joy that the new and young life of children bring when experiencing the loss of life that has been around for many years. The past 5 weeks have been quite emotional for our family. Grandpa Harry, Mickey's fathers Dad passed away on March 11th, the day Lyla turned 5 months old. We had a wonderful weekend celebrating his life down at the beach, and here are a few pictures from the weekend. In addition to the loss of Grandpa Harry, Mickey's other Grandpa, Grandpa Jack became very sick at the same time. I can't tell you how amazing these men are. Grandpa Harry had a sense of humor that rivals comedians, and Grandpa Jack has the largest heart of any man I have ever known. i lost my own Grandpa's many years ago, these men filled the void and then some, and here are a some pictures from a visit to the hospice center to see Grandpa Jack last week as well. I have to add in, that Kate believes if you sing to someone, it makes them feel better. So she literally sat bedside of Grandpa Jack and sang "Twinkle" (as she calls it) and "Bringing home my baby bumble bee", as well as gave him a sticker on his blanket, and these actions did make him crack a smile. Priceless. :)
One last thing to add in, Lyla has blue eyes still, and we kept thinking she has Mick's dads or my Dad's eyes because they both have that blue/green eye color, but only Grandpa Harry had the real blue eyes with the beautiful eyelashes. Thanks for leaving us with an awesome trait to pass down!
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