Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lyla & Annabel turning 2- Picnic Party

We decided to do a joint birthday with Debbie's little girl, Annabel, who is only 5 weeks older than Lyla. Yes, this means we have also been talking about Lyla's birthday for a full month, when she actually turns two this week. However, I learned a joint party is a wonderful way to go! Here are a few pictures from their picnic party at Pullen Park. My camera had a smudge on it, so they all have a little blur...oops.
This banner matched the invitations, hard to make out in the picture but it was really cute and festive! 
 Gift wagons. 

 Debbie packed these adorable sack lunches for all of the kids. 

 We had a row of 6 pictures from Lyla & Annabel's first year, again, a little blurry, but this was my favorite part to make it about the birthday girls. 

 Avery Jackson enjoying the park. 
 Poppy Jane Swindell on the other end of the see saw. 
 The Brewer girls, Lily is Lyla & Annabel's age. 
 The birthday girls and Kate enjoying their picnic lunch. 

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