The weekend was WONDERFUL! Friday it was rainy, so Kate did get to visit Klondike for an old timers special (5:00 dinner) and luckily the clouds and rain cleared out for a visit to Grandfather Mountain on Saturday. It was CHILLY at the top, but much better lower down the mountain by the bears and otters and other animals! We walked through campus...with a stroller...big change for us! It was a great first family vacation!
jenne, you look beautiful. so glad you guys had fun. i will call you later. love, steph
Jenne, you really do look beautiful....new red jacket? Mic, you look handsome too, and Kate...again...you steal the show. So glad you guys had a fun weekeend. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Love, Mimi
SO glad you got to go up to GFather Mtn and show Kate around her future college campus...:) Great Pics and I can't wait to see more!! XOXO
Ok...there's a new camera and no new pics...I'm patiently hopin' and wishin' for new pics of my granddaughter! Love, Mimi
I miss her soooo much.....I want new pictures please....Heaven only knows what Kate looks like this week.....? Love, Mimi
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