Monday, December 29, 2008

Her first Christmas!!!

I have so many to put up here, these are just a few but I wanted to put these up because you can really tell how quickly she is changing. When you think she can't get any better, she does...everyday. :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas!

Kate enjoyed her first trip to visit Santa and as you can see from her smiles I think she is quite excited for Christmas Day! Have a Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thansgiving 2008

It is past time to update this, it's been almost a month! I wanted to start by putting up some Thanksgiving pictures, there were 20 of us and it was a great time! These are just a few of Kate with her aunt Jenn Burlingame, aunt Tonia, her Grannie & her cousin Rylee and her MiMi & Mamaw!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Professional Pictures take 2...

Jen & Chris Hunt came back last Thursday for some Christmas pictures of Kate. There are sooo many good ones that it is really hard to choose just a few to post on here, but here is a peek at some of the great photos they took!

Charlotte Weekend

This weekend Mickey, Kate & I went to Charlotte to see my brother and Jenn, and then for a wedding shower for Kristen and a baby shower for Sarah. Busy weekend, but lots of great pictures, here are just a few to share with you!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 Months Old!

The new camera is finally downloaded and I am having to pick just a few out of 437 pictures in the last week and a half! Kate went for her two month check up today and she now weighs 11 pounds, 13 ounces and is 23 1/4 inches long! She's a tall baby!

We had to add the dogs as well, a great picture of them, and they still are our babies too!

Monday, November 3, 2008

New Camera...

So, our Aunt Susan got us a FABULOUS new camera, and we took so many pictures in one week that we have to move files off our computer in order to download the card...oops, that's what 400+ pictures in one week will do!

I didn't want you to think I have slacked off on updating, so here are two from today and one from her day with Aunt Susan with the video camera...more to come...and from the New camera next time!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Boone Trip!

The weekend was WONDERFUL! Friday it was rainy, so Kate did get to visit Klondike for an old timers special (5:00 dinner) and luckily the clouds and rain cleared out for a visit to Grandfather Mountain on Saturday. It was CHILLY at the top, but much better lower down the mountain by the bears and otters and other animals! We walked through campus...with a stroller...big change for us! It was a great first family vacation!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dress Up...

Kate was playing dress up with me while her Dad was at a work meeting tonight, so here is a sneak peak at her kitty cat costume and her new sweater dress...too much fun! I think I was totally meant to have a girl! :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Morning

This is what we wake up to fun right???

Smith Mountain Lake

Kate had her first out of town visit to see Mimi & Granddad on Thursday & Friday. We went for one night, and she smiled away for them and stayed awake all day, great show off!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Kate has been smiling here and there, but all of a sudden it's all the time! Real smiles now, not gas smiles! Mickey and I have spent our evening in her room on the floor just watching her smile and make faces at us, probably my favorite day with her yet if I can choose one!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


It's been a fun weekend, Kate is really starting to see more and recognize Mickey and I which we are enjoying! Here a few pictures from this weekend, and we did buy our pumpkins and get Kate's picture there, but I do hope to go back with her in a fall outfit and get more! Can't help it!

And some PJ pics...always love these footed pajamas, and thanks to all of you who gave them as gifts, she has so many and it's so fun to change them up!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

5 weeks today

It's already been 5 weeks since Kate came into this world, time is flying by! I am enjoying every day I have home with her, making the most of each day I have. Here is Kate today, purple is a great color on her!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall Weather...

It's FINALLY cooling down and I was just taking some pictures of Kate before we headed out for our daily walk, and these are too cute not put on here right away. So here are two fall pics for the day. :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Kate's Slideshow

Click on picture below and it will take you
to a slideshow of pictures from Kate's first month. Some you have seen, 2nd half are all new ones...

Kate Kendziora

4 weeks old...

She is officially one month old now, and we are all doing great. Most days we think we have a routine and then it does change to more awake time during the day, and luckily more sleep during the night, 6 hours straight to us seems like a whole lot of sleep!

I have added some more pictures from the past 2 weeks, I know it has been a while and I have two more CD's full of pictures (not that we are taking many pictures, ha ha!) so I am trying to just pick by cute outfits or faces! It's hard to choose!

Kate has now met MANY friends and been surrounded by a lot of family. She has been held by all 3 cousins, by Faith, Maris & Ellie (other children friends) and has met work friends, college girls, she is just getting all kinds of love. Yet somehow we still take her out of her bassinet to hold her more or give her just one more's great. We love being parents more than we would have ever imagined!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Professional Pictures

Ok, the pictures from Jennifer are up, and they are FANTASTIC! We are so excited about them! Here is the link to her website, check them out! Once I know how to add them to this blog, I will! If anyone needs a photographer, I have one I'd recommend! :)

Here is Jen's website to look at the pictures:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Exciting Day...

Today was so fun! Jennifer & Chris Hunt came today for a photo shoot of Kate and she stayed awake for 3 hours and was just adorable! They took a TON of pictures and were so sweet the whole time, it was really exciting! They will be posted as soon as I get more to come!

She is here!

Kate Morgan Kendziora arrived Thursday, September 4th at 8:28am. She was delivered via C-Section, and both Kate and mom are doing wonderfully.

We were home by Sunday, and we are just loving every minute!

We will continue to add pictures to show you how she is changing daily...