Well, as you all know, this week has been different than planned. Lyla was born on Monday, October 11th at 11:06am weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces and 21" long. She swallowed too much fluid during delivery which caused her lungs to be flushed out of the good stuff she needed and filled with fluid that caused an infection. She has been through several stages of recovery in the past 6 days, Monday through Thursday with little improvement making each day long and difficult, but Thursday evening was the start to the Lyla we are seeing today, one who is getting healthier and healthier and close to coming home. Thursday was the 1st time I was able to hold her, Mickey held her right after birth for a brief minute before they took her to the nursery for more help.
Today is Saturday, October 16th, and it's the 1st day she is breathing on her own with no support from oxygen (no tubes!), she started eating yesterday breast milk through a tube, and within 24 hours I was feeding her today with nothing.
Her face has lots of irritation from the tape and her whole body is marked up from IV's and tubes, but we are so excited to say that these are just marks, she is doing incredibly well and we couldn't be any more thrilled. I don't think we could put into words the feelings we have had today seeing her improve so much, and how awesome it is to know she'll be home by next Wednesday if not sooner. Ahhh...so, here are some of our favorite pictures from the past week of Lyla's life.
And here is what I did all day today...some with Mick & some with Mimi & Grannie too. She looks great, she is wonderful and we are thrilled. If you never knew how lucky you were to have a child, it's times like these that remind you what a miracle a child is and how big Gods ears are. He really listens. (Jack Parlee told his brother God hears all prayers because he has really big ears. It's been my favorite saying of the week. :)).

As of early this morning, we can hold her every time we go in. She started eating via the tube yesterday, and by this afternoon, she is eating on her own! Daddy was quite excited to hold her as long as possible today.

Late Thursday night/Friday morning, this was the 1st time I got the pleasure of holding my new baby girl. It was amazing.

These two are when Grannie brought Kate to see us and she wanted to meet her baby sister, so we showed her a baby in the nursery since she wasn't allowed in the Special Care Nursery to meet the real Lyla. That day is still yet to come...but soon!

Lyla under her oxygen hood.

Mimi & Grand Dad with Kate at the hospital ready to meet her Baby Sister.