Jen & Chris Hunt came back last Thursday for some Christmas pictures of Kate. There are sooo many good ones that it is really hard to choose just a few to post on here, but here is a peek at some of the great photos they took!
This weekend Mickey, Kate & I went to Charlotte to see my brother and Jenn, and then for a wedding shower for Kristen and a baby shower for Sarah. Busy weekend, but lots of great pictures, here are just a few to share with you!
The new camera is finally downloaded and I am having to pick just a few out of 437 pictures in the last week and a half! Kate went for her two month check up today and she now weighs 11 pounds, 13 ounces and is 23 1/4 inches long! She's a tall baby!
We had to add the dogs as well, a great picture of them, and they still are our babies too!
So, our Aunt Susan got us a FABULOUS new camera, and we took so many pictures in one week that we have to move files off our computer in order to download the card...oops, that's what 400+ pictures in one week will do!
I didn't want you to think I have slacked off on updating, so here are two from today and one from her day with Aunt Susan with the video camera...more to come...and from the New camera next time!